Way back when, in 2002, I covered the post of Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM) at my Unit, the Joint Services Signals Unit located at RAF Digby. RAF Digby had a Station Warrant Officer (SWO) and he didn’t like there being an RSM so I was called the Unit Warrant Officer (UWO) to keep the peace. Either way, I was ‘boots n haircuts’ inside the wire, he was ‘boots n haircuts’ outside the wire.
It led, somehow, to me being invited by the Corps to attend the RSMs Convention, held that year in London and then a dinner night at the Dorchester Hotel. After we’d eaten, as the hotel was expensive and boring, around 8 of us caught a couple of London Cabs and went to Stringfellows night club, where Peter Stringfellow hosted us, gratis, all night (but that’s another story)
@happypat We did. We got out of the taxis about 30m from the nightclub and walked toward the back of the queue; in the full Mess Dress including boots and spurs (Signals fell out of the Cavalry, so in that garb we wore spurs) with medals clinking. The guys on the door pulled us to the front of the queue, took us in and Peter Stringfellow himself came over, cleared a booth for us and said “everything is on the house gentlemen.” We got back to our hotel around 7am (my train home was at 10am)