In January, as Carole’s two Amaryllis’ neared the end of their life cycle I wondered if there was another option to throwing them away and buying new ones in December. Cue Dr Google and me watching a number of videos on You Tube and reading numerous articles on the Inter-web on putting Amaryllis bulbs away during the Summer to re-flower for the next Christmas.
So I followed a mixture if what I’d watched and read. The Amaryllis were put in the Conservatory to begin with and left, then I moved them outside and again left them. When the shoots died back, they were removed from their pots, top dead shoots and roots trimmed and then placed in a draw in the garage buried in shredding where they have remained until this morning.
They are now planted out in fresh bulb compost, watered and back in the house in the light and warmth.
My Mom used to plant them outside in a flower bed. They lasted for years. I think she "lifted" the bulbs in the winter sometimes, but sometimes just mulched them. She lives in Houston TX
Good luck with them! Mine live in a (ridiculously small) pot in my balcony. I water them once a week, give them some plant food now and then, and they bloom every year.
That all sounds a bit complicated. We don't go to all that trouble but we've had a fair bit of success keeping them a second and even a third year. Things went badly wrong one year when they were in the garage and the temperature went below zero for about a week. That finished them off.