My chronic illness was being extra challenging today so I spent most of the day in bed and the whole day in the house. I was looking for something at least sort of interesting to photograph, and I landed on my cherry pitter, because it's a bit fun and whimsical, but it's also useful, and I like that combo!
Here's how the cherry-go-round works:
You put cherries in the little wells under the horses and push down on the top of the carousel. That pushes the poles through the cherries, forcing the pits into the base of the carousel. When you let go of the top it moves back up, lifting the cherries, and it turns, dropping the pitted cherries into the neighbouring wells. When you're all done pitting cherries for the day, the base comes apart leaving a little tray full of cherry pits to be easily dumped out.
Love that combo - pragmatically beautiful 😻 Well done finding the oomph to overcome the challenges chronic illness brings. It’s easier said than done.