Chris and I saw a big flock of house sparrows hanging around some pallets in an industrial area today, and this one stood out from the rest. The rest of them were all just normal looking house sparrows, but this guy was much darker in colour, seeming to have more grey and black in his feathers than brown. He also looked kind of dishevelled, rather than sleek or floofy like the rest of them. I actually took several shots of him because Chris asked if he was a different type of bird and we were hoping to try and figure it out later... but I think he's just an unusual-looking house sparrow. My nature ID app says he's an Old World Sparrow but declines to narrow it down further than that.
I'm not sure it's a "house sparrow" because the pattern on the feathers is not right for that- but it is some kind of sparrow. Poor thing- he looks like he got caught in the rain and needs to dry off. Great shot.
January 24th, 2025
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