Before the sun had actually set. Didn't go down again tonight, as it was a totally clear night again and I just wasn't quite in the mood. I turned on the sprinklers this morning and noticed that something wasn't working correctly. Further inspection, noticed water coming out of the ground, away from the sprinklers. Wouldn't you know it, during tree removal yesterday, the equipment they were using caused a break in one of the water lines, so ended up digging up that area and found the break. Ugh!!!!! Just so happened that my neighbor had a guy out, that was working on his sprinklers, and he sent him to my house. Glad for that, as I hired him to fix the line and seems like everything is back in order. Always something. May have a chance for more clouds tomorrow, so we'll see.
A while ago our gardener was cutting a hedge and cut through most of the sprinkler tubes! We had to call someone in to fix it, it was not cheap :-(