Shapes and colours by robz

Shapes and colours

For the abstract-5 challenge. These were the shapes and colours as caught on the camera - using the camera settings to catch an abstract rather than using the editing program to make one. I think this is no harder but it is more limiting. As purely a hobby photographer with one camera (a nice little point and shoot) I find that this hobby has two components - the photographic side and the IT side. I think both are there to be utilized to allow you to end up with the image that was brewing in your mind. :)
You are right about the 2 components Rob, but would you agree that you absolutely must take the first step while the 2nd one is optional? Unless, like me, you shoot in RAW files for which the 2nd step is also essential to make any sense at all of the first. But I'd argue that aiming to get it right in camera is an excellent discipline that trains the eye to visualise... its also vital for high quality printable images because the more editing you do with jpegs the worse the quality becomes.
February 20th, 2018  
@yrhenwr Hi David - In theory I agree with you - and I had a lot of fun trying to do that for your challenge. However, my camera is quite limited and I have no direct control over things such as exposure time, aperture or focal length. ( As this is purely a hobby for me I will keep my Canon point and shoot as it easily fits in my pocket - I'm not interested in lugging a big camera around) Using the available settings I can trick it into doing lots of things but the editing procedure is usually required. And, to be honest, I quite enjoy it. It's all entertaining and makes you think, so - a great hobby. Thanks for wording your challenge as you did - it made it a true challenge (for me anyway! LOL) Cheers Rob
February 20th, 2018  
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