One last shot from the Stella Maris fireworks display of a fortnight ago.
This was the Grand Final which included all, or almost all, of the colours presented during the whole of the display. I could have taken a better shot of this huge colour explosion but they were coming up fast and from different directions and it was impossible to change camera position on tripod and sometimes I had to lift the tripod off the ground to follow the bursts but I had a good time and I hope you all liked this series. I added the guy in the picture as an afterthought.
Since then, the next weekend we had the festa of St Julians, followed by that of Our Lady of Carmel, Balluta, and after that of St Gregory, Sliema. all at Balluta Bay where we meet friends every evening during the Summer months. I didn’t take my camera for those festas because it would be boring to show so many fireworks pictures and also because the quality of the fireworks, although they were still beautiful, were not as impressive as those of Stella Maris.
Hurrah, it rained last night and is raining again this morning. After months of dry weather the trees and plants will love it.
Tomorrow, back to my family Sicily holiday album.
Thank you very much for your views, your comments and all the fav's on yesterday's picture and on all the fireworks shots I posted.