One last post from my visit to the Binġemma Heritage site.
Left picture is me at the bottom of the valley. I placed the camera on a big boulder making sure it will not slide off and used the timer to take this shot. I copied this picture and included it in one of my other previous shots, if you remember seeing it before.
Top right picture is the steep path up to where the car was parked.
Bottom is the ankle of one of my legs. There were many dry weeds I had to go through and scratched my legs continuously. When I got home I went straight to the bathroom to clean the leg from the dried blood so that Christine would not see it. But she is a shark and immediately noticed it when she saw me. Her reaction was by saying “You are crazy going to places like this on your own!”
Going down from the caves to the bottom of the valley wasn’t easy. Half way down, with one hand holding my camera I decided I wouldn’t make it without falling over and would definitely get hurt and break the camera. What I did was I sat down on the ground and moved slowely down on my backside while finding a little perch where to place my feet to keep me from sliding down the rock face.
When I got home I started planning my next adventure.
Thank you for your looks, for your comments and for the fav's on yesterday's picture.
Stay safe, and find a photo buddy to take on your adventures.