Shot taken at the end of October last.
I was close to the end of my walk up ‘the mountain’ (as the old gentleman I last asked to confirm my route called it). I was seeing a little activity at the top when I heard my mobile ringing. It was Christine calling me and I knew beforehand what she was going to say : “Do you have more to go? I am tired of waiting and it is very hot waiting here without a bit of shade”. And this is one reason why I like to go on my own. Anyway I said “ not more than a quarter of an hour and then I will start my journey down.” By that time I started to have doubts whether my expedition would be successful
Thank you so much for your looks, comments and fav's on yesterday's picture.
Loving your story & now can't wait to find out if you made it to the destination.
This is a magnificent view, the cliffs look amazing