When you eat mostly vegan by shutterbug49

When you eat mostly vegan

We have been eating mostly vegan for the past 18 months. To make daily prep easier we frequently roast a couple of trays of veg. We went vegan because hubby’s cardiologist recommended it. Fairly quick improvement in our bloodwork results. Hope it is translating to the arteries. We have discovered many new ways to eat delicious meals in this process, so we are actually enjoying it. We say mostly because we don’t ask friends or family to cook differently for us when visiting.
Looks to be a lovely selection! We have friends who are vegan for health reasons. For thier visits to us I've learned how to make good vegan cakes substituting vinegar for eggs and olive oil for butter/marge!
May 14th, 2024  
Such a tasty half and half! There are so many great vegan recipes to choose from. Glad it is working well for you.
May 14th, 2024  
A very healthy half and half
May 14th, 2024  
Lovely. I just returned to being semi vegetarian. I grew up veggie but no one could cater for that at university in the early 80’s so I learned to eat meat. Glad it is helping you both.
May 14th, 2024  
What a great collection of colours for your half and half. There's a "7 colours a day" health slogan over here - your veges here would add up to 6 by themselves! So good.
May 14th, 2024  
great colours - and very good that you saw immediate test results too
May 14th, 2024  
These lovely colours look very appetising.
May 14th, 2024  
So colourful and appetising !
May 14th, 2024  
Because of my semi-blocked bowel I can't eat most vegetables. They have to be pureed and it isn't easy to puree most veggies. So I make a 100% vegetable stock - no salt-not sugar- no spices all taste.
May 14th, 2024  
@joansmor The veg stock sounds very good actually.
May 14th, 2024  
@robz That’s a good slogan. We should use that. We do eat quite a bit of fruit also. That might help us get to 7.
May 14th, 2024  
@shutterbug49 Too easy then - it's actually quite easy to follow if you have it in mind when you shop. An added bonus for us was that you are pretty certain to lose excess weight - by the time you fit your 7 colours in there's not much room for junk food!! :)
May 14th, 2024  
Good one for a half and half shot.
May 14th, 2024  
Great half and half.
Glad you are enjoying eating veggies!
May 15th, 2024  
So colourful and healthy. All my favourite veggies.
May 15th, 2024  
Looks fresh and delicious. I'm vegetarian but not vegan and this looks terrific to me!
May 15th, 2024  
looks good. aces!
May 15th, 2024  
Roasted vegetables are my go to. I'm surprised to say that there are veggies I never ate before (I didn't like them) but now eat roasted. Beets and radishes are two of those.
May 15th, 2024  
Looks yummy
May 15th, 2024  
Looks delicious and so healthy!
May 15th, 2024  
Vegetarian meals can be very tasty. Looks delicious.
May 15th, 2024  
great half and half ...colorful food
May 15th, 2024  
That all looks so delicious! I would go that way too but hubby refuses.
May 15th, 2024  
Tasty half and half shot!
May 15th, 2024  
I love your flexibility. Vegan meals can be just as good as any other meal, but often a lot of work to prepare. We try to eat a good mix of everything.
May 15th, 2024  
Colorful and healthy
May 15th, 2024  
Very delicious & great half & half.
We roast trays of mixed vegs too!
May 15th, 2024  
a most attractive half and half.
May 15th, 2024  
May 15th, 2024  
A wonderful photo. We love veggies but we are challenged in eating only veggies, we also have fish and chicken :-(
May 15th, 2024  
Looks a wonderful selection and tasty too.
May 16th, 2024  
Good plan! I'm expecting similar results from my AIP program although I can have meat. There are only a few things I miss but now that I have all new recipes I'm happy with it. Looks tasty!
May 16th, 2024  
A very healthy half and half. I could give up mat tomorrow but I'd have rouble giving up eggs, cheese and dairy
May 16th, 2024  
Great half and half shot! I eat roast vegetables a lot! I'm mainly plant based too and have been for years.
May 16th, 2024  
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