Another in my occasional secret lives of mannequins series.
It has always struck me as odd, how many of the famous cartoon characters, like Betty Boop here, are. perceived as the epitome of feminine beauty and sexuality. However if they were brought to life and made flesh........... Just how attractive would you actually find Betty?
Would you?...... Really?...... I know she has a scintillating personality and looks aren't everything, but could you really fall for someone with a head like that? Or would you maybe prefer Jessica Rabbit's outrageously exaggerated curves or Lara Croft with her polygonal boobs. It poses all sorts of interesting questions. Which probably have a lot to do with many men's sad and shallow perceptions of women.
As for me...... I've always had a soft spot for Betty Rubble from the Flintstones. :)
It would be interesting to hear from others, who was your cartoon dream girl or dream boy?