How I Spent My Saturday Afternoon by taffy

How I Spent My Saturday Afternoon

Thank you for your lovely comments on yesterday's mystery (to me) creation of twirls. Today, I decided to figure out which PS tools I used to see if I could recreate it. Here's what I learned:
1. there are 3 places where 3D is possible and I found the one I used yesterday but did not write it down and now can't find it again
2. I used 3 layers to create this shot which is exciting as layers have intimidated me. BUT, I didn't use any masks which I realize is my actual problem, not layers themselves
3. I did export something back to lightroom and then back to PS again, but am not sure why -- and think it was what became the background to this.
4. Somewhere in all this I had to create something called a smart object from layers before 3D would stop being grayed out as an option
5. It was fun...will try again.
Oh, this started out as a rack of DIVVY bikes (the kind / color available for rent throughout the city) on a street with the L station in the background. The colors are from the bike and L station and I think the lavender is more or less from the shades of gray in the street. Not sure exactly where that came from.
OMG this is awesome!!!!!! Really awesome!!!!!!!!!
March 5th, 2016  
Layers still intimate and confuse me, so I'll wait till I get a new laptop and a good editing program before ever attempting anything so absolutely astounding. I love abstracts and this was once again an instant fav for me. Taffy you are very creative and a talented photographer, love your work!
March 5th, 2016  
Another fabulous piece of processing. Love the colours. Thanks for sharing the info.
March 5th, 2016  
March 5th, 2016  
I love the colors and the swirls! I'm just getting the hang of PS layers and masks myself. One of the things it took me a while to figure out is that many options like filters are greyed out if your photo is RGB16. All of mine are when I jump from LR. If you select Image-Mode-8bits/Channel it will convert it and the filters will no longer be greyed out. Hope this helps and I didn't bore you with something you already knew :-)
March 5th, 2016  
March 5th, 2016  
I have read the above five times and now my brain hurts!! LOL!! Layers and Masks are my big thing in PS that I have not got to grips with yet. The least of my problems today!! I am hoping my 2 day course later this month will make this all become clear!! Fav for your creativity Taffy!!
March 5th, 2016  
@debbyglynn I didn't know -- thanks!
March 5th, 2016  
Fantastically cool! Fav...
March 5th, 2016  
This is beautiful but I like the colors of your other creation a little better! Still giving this a fav!
March 5th, 2016  
Big WOW! Love this!
March 5th, 2016  
Wow, top marks, now you are getting really clever and creative. fav.
March 5th, 2016  
I studied all that you did, not minding at all that I don't have Photoshop and don't have to understand very much of it. But I so appreciate hearing how you did it.
March 5th, 2016  
This is fun, sounds like you had fun doing it too!
March 5th, 2016  
Going in circles!!
March 6th, 2016  
Excellent , exciting and fun , so creative Taffy !! fav
March 6th, 2016  
Looks like a piece of art...that hangs in an art gallery.
March 6th, 2016  
Fabulous colors, swirl patterns
March 6th, 2016  
Clever processing!
March 6th, 2016  
Seems too complicate for me but love the result !
March 6th, 2016  
very cool...
March 6th, 2016  
Awesome picture and processing. Congratulations on making the Trending Page. Well deserved.
March 6th, 2016  
This is super cool.
March 6th, 2016  
Fantastic! I bet you had such fun creating this. I imagine you can relate (as can most 365'ers to the Latest Discussion comment on "Has this ever happened to you?" I love this! Fav
March 6th, 2016  
I'm totally impressed but also nauseous
March 6th, 2016  
This is so cool Love it.
March 6th, 2016  
I had a good chuckle when I read your caption Taffy, sounds just like the way I learn things, two steps forward, one backwards or maybe sideways. Whatever, the final result is stunning and very visually attractive, and I like it very much. Can see that hanging on the wall of the right house. I was interested to learn how you used the term 'divvy', here the only way it's used is in (police) divvy van, i.e. divisional van with lockup facility, or sometimes to 'divvy up' (divide) something. I love learning about linguistic differences.
March 6th, 2016  
@golftragic I thought you'd enjoy the steps, such as they are/were. DIVVY stands for something like Divvy-up your ride -- sharing the bikes. It may stand for something else as well, but that's the informal way of it. These are the bikes in racks around the city. You either get a pass or use a credit card to rent it and then it's timed so that when you return the bike to whatever rack you use in the city, you're billed then. Very useful!
March 6th, 2016  
@taffy Thx Taffy, we have them in Melbourne (and maybe other capital cities too), but every bike has a helmet to go with it too which is, apparently a huge deterrent to some people. But it's mandatory, too bad, so sad. Australia has gone down the nanny-state path rather too much for my liking, things were much simpler when I was a kid. For example, if I called some kid I knew an idiot there'd be a slanging match, now there'd probably be a law-suit.
March 6th, 2016  
Very cool.
March 6th, 2016  
Great colours!
March 6th, 2016  
Beautifully created abstract.
March 6th, 2016  
Oh, another zingy result. :) I have to take time to play with this 3D feature... good for you, to do so. We have college kids visiting for spring break right now, but maybe in the future? Excellent and complex twirling play.
March 6th, 2016  
I use PS a lot for work based design stuff, so the layers don't worry me and I am getting to grips with masking. But there is still so much in PS that I don't understand, 3D, sharpening for example! So I really appreciated your narrative of the process. It really does feel like that sometimes doesn't it? I'm impressed that you can even remember some of it!
March 6th, 2016  
How clever, I'm glad you told us it was bikes and a station! I love all the swirls and colours creating a beautiful abstract
March 6th, 2016  
Another fabulous shot! Love the colors!
March 6th, 2016  
Very cool image!
March 6th, 2016  
Superb editing - a wonderful abstract.
March 6th, 2016  
Fav, very psychedelic!
March 6th, 2016  
Brilliant! Fav!
March 6th, 2016  
So neat!
March 6th, 2016  
thanks for the insight
March 6th, 2016  
Great experimenting
March 7th, 2016  
Good on you for making headway with PS! I am still so intimidated by it. Did you take a class or just find some good online tutorials? Love the result here!
March 7th, 2016  
@pflaume I'm embarrassed to say I was clicking around and saw 3D and wondered what it was. I then started testing different controls to see what they would do. After a few hours (probably 5 minutes worth of tutorial would have helped here!), I got a sense of what controls do, but not really why. So, the ones I've done that I like are sort of accidental, and sort of a mashup of sorting out some things on my own. I do want to figure it out!
March 7th, 2016  
You seem almost as confused by masks and layers as I am.LOL I think I am needing more PS lessons!!
March 7th, 2016  
@beachdog Probably even more confused!
March 7th, 2016  
@dibzgreasley I find masking to be almost impossible to get a handle on! Frustrating...but I have to learn it.
March 7th, 2016  
@taffy Not sure if this will help, but I did some of my learning with masks in other products, outside of PS, such as Perfect Effects because there is no need to use the actual colours and brushes to do the masking. Thats where I started...

For me once I got it in my head about the black and white and how that affects the photo and shows in the mask thumbnail, it made more sense - white shows the effect you want (or adjustment layer effect) and black keeps the original.

I must admit that doing it in PS though does take some thought, because of having to use the b&w / grayscale colours and brushes.

Good luck, you'll get there!
March 7th, 2016  
Great story to go with this
March 7th, 2016  
That is very cool!
March 8th, 2016  
So cool!
March 10th, 2016  
Very cool. I took a class on Photoshop masking but am having trouble recreating what I did in class. The class went too fast to take notes. I guess you really have to keep at it.
March 11th, 2016  
Fav, Thanks for sharing the information.
March 11th, 2016  
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