There are two identical stairwells leading into Union Station's Great Hall from Canal Street., one of which is featured in an iconic scene in the 1987 movie, The Untouchables. The scene involves a shootout to capture Al Capone's accountant, and a baby carriage on the staircase creates some additional suspense. You can watch it on YouTube: (Warning - a little bloody).
I was there today to see off our visitors and we stopped in the Great Hall to see its transformation after a multi-year restoration project. The huge skylight across the high ceiling provides appealing natural light. Of course, it was quite peaceful -- no action as in the movie!
I know these stairs! I’ve hurried down them to get to the train :) One day when i was heading home, we were asked to wait a moment at the top of these stairs because a filming crew was setting up their equipment for a video. So I missed my train but i got to walk past all their lights and gear. This is wonderful!
So grand and a really lovely architectural scene. I love the way you do these. I watched the exert - up to a point that I could bare - and thought you won't find anyone on their hands and knees cleaning the floor now!