March 4th, 2016
I don't know what to do with this photo! By accident, my ISO was still on 800 when I took this shot of that old car coming towards the camera in the middle of the photo, Nonetheless, I loved the blown-out effect it produced. Problem is, I can't figure out what to DO with the photo! I love it, I love the high key blown out look, I love the madness of that particular intersection, I love all the characters in the shot, but this photo would obviously not receive a good grade. Help! What do I do with the photo?

March 4th, 2016
do you want to darken it? or print it as is?
March 4th, 2016
@jackies365 I want to make it a fabulous high key photo with the attention drawn to the old car in the middle of the photo. But I don't necessarily want to crop it....
March 4th, 2016
@shesnapped what editing program do you use? in lightroom you can use a radial filter to possibly darken that a bit. I see some color in the image. I might convert to b&w as well
March 4th, 2016
@jackies365 I've got several. LR, PS, Nik Collection, On1, Macphun. I've washed the colors out a bit but left a bit of color on the old car. B&W wasn't as exciting as I thought it might be.
March 4th, 2016
@shesnapped maybe darken the whole photo in LR then use a brush to lighten all except the car in the center...I don't use the other programs but in LR it would be pretty simple. you may have to play with highlights and shadows in your brushes as well but think of it as a painting and lighten and darken where as your eye sees fit. it is a really cool photo!
March 4th, 2016
@shesnapped or just darken the car with a brush and leave the rest as is...depends on what you want to play with!
March 4th, 2016
Did you shoot raw? You may have more to play with if you did & you could maybe pull in some more detail in some areas. jpg you will have less options on the exposure.

Either way, I think it would be interesting to see how it looks with a Sepia tone applied - still with the high key - like a an old photo that has got light bleached? But the wonderful thing is it all down to your own personal interpretation. Would love to see what you do with it
March 4th, 2016
Also wouldn't worry about the techy its over-exposed bad grade thoughts. Like paintings most people who look at them just respond with a love/hate, they are not worried about the technique. If you love the photo as it is, stand by it, I'm sure you will find plenty of others appreciate it too.

Maybe a very very subtle vignette would focus attention on the car more, if that is what you are after :-)
March 4th, 2016
@jackies365 In this version posted, I lightened the whole photo, then masked out the car at 50% opacity so it's just barely noticeably darker.

@lizhammond Yes! But I couldn't figure out the vignette in PS! The Color Efex vignette didn't look right. Maybe LR's vignette would work better. I agree - very subtle...
March 13th, 2016
Would love to see what you came up with
April 5th, 2016
When a photo is black I have been able to rescue it but when it is over exposed it is much more challenging. I would tend to lower the exposure, the shadows and the highlights. You may be able to rescue it for a black & white shot.
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