
July 6th, 2023
Hi all

365 will always be my primary site for sharing my photos . It is a lovely friendly community , I've made some fantastic
" virtual friends".

I do have a Instagram account to reach a different audience , but it is a difficult platform to post " proper photos" due to its square format .

Today Instagram launched " threads " a portal for text and narratives , but it does seem to allow you to post photos in the dimensions you want rather than being restricted to squares .

Anybody tried " threads " yet . I clicked a button on Instagram and I was in " threads" .

This isn't a plug for " threads " just a question if anyone has created an account and if so what's there first impressions

That's it .

July 6th, 2023
No clue what threads in IG are.. but I’ve been able to post on IG in non square formats for years…. I wonder if this varies by location?
July 6th, 2023
@northy I put a white border around my photos so they fit in a square. I do that so if someone browses my page they see photos correctly
July 6th, 2023
I’ll have to check my work flow but I know when I’m uploading photos to IG there is a point where I’m asked to decide aspect ratio…
July 6th, 2023
I heard from my friends “threads”is the meta ( FB) versions of Twitter.. I think you have to download the App first.. I haven’t tried it tho’.. I just wanna post my pics on my IG, not really interested in chatting 🥰
July 6th, 2023
I’ve been able to post landscape photos on IG, but with portrait I have to do the white border like @phil_howcroft.

As far as Threads, I’m interested to hear people’s thoughts
July 6th, 2023
Another bit about Threads:

I am very wary of all in this stable and for an explanation it's worth reading 'Stolen Focus' by Johann Hari.
July 7th, 2023
A couple friends have joined. I personally don't want any more social media. Left Facebook, have never done twitter or tiktok. I do photos so I too do the border on instagram if necessary to the photo. Just rather be doing something else.
July 7th, 2023
Be aware, if you join Threads and later decide to delete your Threads account you will need to delete your Instagram account. You can delete individual posts, or temporarily deactivate your Threads account, but it is tied to your Instagram so deleting your Threads profile and data deletes your Instagram too.

As for photo size and quality, have you tried Vero? I know it doesn't get the traffic like Instagram, but the photo quality and size is beautiful, the feed is photographers you actually follow, and there are no ads.
July 7th, 2023
@phil_howcroft Hi Phil. I use Instagram @christopher.cox.drumturk and get the choice of aspect ratio. There's an arrow thing you click on!
July 7th, 2023
@christophercox I post from my browser . No option for that . The android app doesn't seem to have an option either 😐
July 8th, 2023
I don't have to post my photos on Insta as square Phil. I just click the arrows and choose original size (shape), or whatever the option is called.
July 8th, 2023
@nickspicsnz Nick , I've found that option, I never knew it existed !!!
July 9th, 2023
@phil_howcroft Still learning new things every day Phil, even at our grand old ages 😂😂
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