Showcase a Favourite From YOUR Albums

August 31st, 2023

Can you believe it's September tomorrow?? Here is an opportunity to look back over the past month and share favourite photos you took and uploaded to your project. The photo may not have had the most comments and favs from your followers in the month, but it's one YOU like best from YOUR project

Do please say why you've showcased the image.

I love wasps, they're cheeky, brave and love sugar.

My favourite from my Abstract Alphabet August, I just kept on Snapseeding!!

Adamski Effect, self portrait and I copied something from www with OK results

Looking forwards to seeing your favourites.

August 31st, 2023
This is my favourite this month because the challenge from Delwyn (@dkbarnett) meant I had to make a serious effort to try something new. I had done some casual still life's but not really concentrated on it, Delwyn's challenge has opened up for me a whole new genre of photography and one I will now explore further. So many thanks to Delwyn.

August 31st, 2023
My favourite for August is this one of my grandchildren, as they and their parents had worked so hard to create the perfect birthday party for me while we were all on holiday together in the Lake District.
September 1st, 2023

Empty Sky is the memorial to the almost 750 Mew Jersey victims of the September 11 attacks on the United States. This is my favorite for August because of what it represents and because it was SOOC and because it evokes emotions and memories.
September 1st, 2023

I think this one is my favourite from August. I like the little lamp's glow, and the photo feels summery to me. I don't do well with heat so summer isn't my favourite time of year, but I do like the evenings/nights and this shot reminds me of them.
September 1st, 2023
@princessicajessica it is very pretty
@njmom3 a powerful yet serene image
@tinley23 what fun ( which house were you put in?!)
@allsop the balance and contrast here is beautiful
September 1st, 2023

Definitely this one because I threw away a LOT of hummingbird pictures before I got one in focus. These birds are a real challenge to capture.
September 1st, 2023
@bluemoon oh congratulations 👏 hope it's going to be printed and hung on your wall?!
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