2nd June 2021 by emmadurnford

2nd June 2021

1 year, 68 days since the start of the 1st lock down in March 2020

This morning I was on a photo shoot for the Landmark Centre. They mentioned it a while ago before a previous lock down but it only came to fruition today. They are having a complete image and website overhaul and want some fresh images on it. I went over at 10.30am to photograph a childrens’ print-making class run by print-maker Louise Anderson. Each session lasted for half an hour and every parent was asked for their permission for me to photograph their children - only one refused. It was actually really nice, there was some great work created and I really like this photo of an entire family engrossed in the session. By the end I had taken 176 images but already have edited and preppier then down 40 as a summary of the event. I am back on Saturday for an adult print class

The best news of the day is that I caught up with Hester in the afternoon and she is coming down to Bognor to run 4-days of print courses but she will be stopping to stay over night on her way back next Tuesday. That is brilliant news as we have not seen each other since last March just before the country went into its first lock down. It will be a flying visit of less than 24-hours but still great.
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