Lunch Break by harvey

Lunch Break

Ate lunch in a park today, I just thought this was a nice view from the bench I was sitting on. Felt a little like a stalker taking this nice photo of the girl on the bench, but oh well. That is the price of the project 365 once in a while right?

I saw your request for feedback on Jesse's thread, so I thought I'd follow you and see if I can point anything out. I am no pro, but I am an avid art guy, so I'll mention things that may/may not improve your images, but just things to think about.

For instance in this image I don't think it is quite level. Maybe check the horizontal lines and make sure they are level, unless you wanted that slight lean to left.


PS I miss Germany, only got to spend about 5 days there, but wow are there some great things to see in the country. How you enjoying your time?
April 29th, 2010  
hey steve!
these kinds of shots are always fun to take...the positioning, hoping the person doesnt look up and see you and think you're a serial killer...
I recently bought a long zoom, the 70-200mm, and it really helps give some options from a distance now.

Anyways as far as feedback goes, the only the I would have done was cropped in a little, or zoomed in (if you have a long zoom).

Keep it up bud!
April 30th, 2010  
Guys, thanks so much for the tips.... I do have a 70-200mm lens, but tend to ONLY carry around my 17-85, as I have a smaller bag that fits just that and its a little more managable when I walk with my camera 2km to work every day now. However I agree I was wishing I had a little more zoom when I took the shot. I should think about cropping, I rarely utilize that after the shot is taken.

Also I am notoriously bad at not leveling my horizons..... The only way I go about it is the 'rotate arbitrary' in PS3, until it looks 'level' to me. Is there is a fast/better way to do this?

PS yes I LOVE it here in Germany, I have been 1.5 years and would seriously consider moving here permanently, however both my wife and I want to be a little closer to our families.
April 30th, 2010  
Someone taught me to use a floating window, say your browser over the image and see what gets cover, they are square and easy to move... lets you make adjustments as needed... or black marker lines on the screen, maybe a 1/2 inch line ever 1/4 inch ;)
April 30th, 2010  
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