Koi Pond Dreams by jmdeabreu

Koi Pond Dreams

In the quiet moments, I find myself drawn to these vibrant koi. Their graceful dance, a symphony of colour against the contrasting canvases, brings a sense of peace to a heavy heart. A reminder that even in stillness, there is beauty. These paintings capture the essence of life's fleeting moments, much like the photographs Chev so skillfully captured. He had a gift for finding beauty in the everyday, freezing moments in time with his camera. This one's for you, rest easy. 💔🎨📷
Thought for the Day: In the dance of colour and light, we find echoes of those we love. May the memories we capture, like photographs frozen in time, forever bring comfort and joy.
These are beautiful!
May 15th, 2024  
Thank you 🙏
May 15th, 2024  
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