A study of Seagulls  by mortmanphotography

A study of Seagulls

Seagulls – you either love them or hate them - Seagulls absolutely love hanging out in cities! you can find them all over the world. These birds are like the expert food thieves of the world - they're really good at stealing snacks. Seagulls eat pretty much anything they come across because they're always on the lookout for a tasty treat.
When it comes to making their homes, seagulls are like the ultimate DIY experts. They can build nests in almost any place at any time. No limits for these guys!
And get this - seagulls are like the Avengers of the bird world. They work together as a team to bother their enemies. Teamwork makes the dream work, even for seagulls!
Beautiful capture of these birds. I love the focus and dof and their brilliant white against the dark blue. I have learned to wear a hat whenever there are many of them about.
February 5th, 2024  
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