February 29, 2024 by mypetmelissa

February 29, 2024

My Leap Day Time capsule:

Today I have enough but don’t always trust it. I am afraid of what will happen in the world and I don’t have much hope that big things will get better. I am a mother of big boys who are still sweet and tender. I miss them when they’re not with me. I am a homeowner, have a career I enjoy, a partner I cherish, and a cat that we still consider young. I still feel young, too, I’ve always been me and I’ve always felt the same. This year I plan to run a half marathon, complete a 365, work on mindfulness, and look people in the eye.

Next February 29 I hope to feel the comfort of enough. I hope that the peace in my daily life will be the raft that carries me through the heartbreak of the world. I hope my teen boys will be brave and kind. I will treasure every moment I have with them and will equally treasure the time without. I will be a homeowner, have a career I enjoy, a partner I cherish, and a cat that we still consider young but who has stopped scratching us. I will feel young and more comfortable with my life and what I have done with it.

Never heard of a Leap Day Time Capsule before, what a great idea.

Nice picture too, your cat looks like butter wouldn't melt... :)
March 1st, 2024  
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