Handover Takeover by phil_sandford

Handover Takeover

Another of my ‘way back when’ photographs.

This was December of 1995 in the dying days of the United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR) in the Former Republic of Yugoslavia. The war in Bosnia, between the Serbs, Croatians and Muslims of Bosnia had been raging since 1992. I was in the last week of my 6-7 month deployment and handing over to Paul (who I’d last seen on my SSgt Supervisor’s course in 1992). The photograph was taken just north of the Kupres Tunnel (which the Muslims and Croats had only finished ‘ethnically cleansing’ the week earlier) just as we’d finished putting snow chains on the Landrover; it was taken by Maj John Doyle, the British Army’s Security Officer who was out on a visit that week.

Carole would probably say that this tour changed me more than any others that I did in my years of service and I’d possibly agree with her: witnessing the ‘ethnic cleansing (of all sides), the futility and barbarity of the war, seeing the shell shocked Dutch soldiers transiting out of the country, those young conscripts who had capitulated to Mladic & Arkan and his (so called) Tigers in Srebrenica and Zepa (and being quietly proud of the British soldiers who defended the 3rd so called ‘UN Safe Haven’ at Gorazde the week after Zepa from those same murdering bastards). I can honestly say it wasn’t a pleasant or enjoyable time and I lost all faith, respect and belief in the United Nations.

The day before I flew out of Theatre, overnight we painted our bright white vehicles green, black and brown and swapped the light blue berets of the UN for our British Army berets and thus, in the space of a few hours of darkness the UN departed Bosnia (got out of Dodge in other words) and NATO magically arrived (with the same personnel) under the name of IFOR (Implementation Force) to enforce the Dayton Accord which had, allegedly ended the war. I wear a UN medal for those 6-7 months, with no pride whatsoever.

If you got this far in the narrative, thanks for reading.

I can totally understand why you feel this way, some awful decisions and circumstances in that period there. Lovely smiley picture in contrast with what was going on in your thoughts.
January 9th, 2024  
I read it and I'm glad you see it that way. Our Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki, who was the main arbitrator for some time, resigned when he saw the impotence of these actions.
The soldiers had to stay and watch their own helplessness every day. Yet another victim of senseless political games. And apparently we are all brothers.
January 9th, 2024  
Wonderful photo, an amazing read - very difficult times I’m sure.
You can be so very proud of yourself and mates
January 9th, 2024  
Nice pic😊
January 9th, 2024  
What Casa said @casablanca
January 9th, 2024  
All I can say is thank you.
January 10th, 2024  
Nice photo and great informative narrative.
January 10th, 2024  
Thank you. Enjoyed your narrative.
January 12th, 2024  
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