Second Sighting of the Eccentric Longboarder by princessicajessica

Second Sighting of the Eccentric Longboarder

Okay, story time!

One day in early February, Chris and I were in Waterloo. We were in our vehicle, in a parking lot along a main street, in a spot right next to the sidewalk with our windows down... and a guy longboarding past called out a hello to us. We said hi back and as the man rode off he started dancing on his longboard. He was wearing a somewhat eccentric outfit-- low Ugg boots, purple socks, skin-tight pants, big shin pads, a hot pink hoodie, a neckerchief, and a bush hat. He seemed like a very cheery fellow and he was quite memorable.

Well, tonight we were in Waterloo again. Uptown this time. Chris had run into one of the local businesses for a minute and I was waiting in the car. The same guy passed by again, with a different eccentric outfit on! I grabbed the camera but didn't have time to make any adjustments, so this is what I got, sooc. I planned to just show the photo to Chris to share the excitement of seeing the same longboarder again, but he liked the picture in spite of its faults and encouraged me to post it. I figured I would tag it for the next street photography challenge.
Great story and photo!
May 14th, 2024  
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