I will *not* admit how long this took me… by rhoing

I will *not* admit how long this took me…

But in my defense, this is the first time I’ve done an installation of such a device. It’s the magnet and sensor of a bike computer installed on Clare’s bike. This is related to my February 5 post when I started the project and learned so much about bike tire sizes! The bike computer has sat in my “junk pile” or “junk drawer” until today, so that’s almost three months for those of you keeping score at home… What spooked me was the requirement that the magnet (the black knob on the spoke) has to pass within 5 mm of the sensor (the rod attached to the fork). That's half-a-centimeter or 0.2" (about 3/16"). But if my volunteering with Habitat for Humanity has taught me anything, it is that mistakes and mess-ups can be remediated. Now that cycling weather is here and Clare’s walking buddy is restricted on her outdoor activities for the moment, it was time to get this done.

With help from a YouTube video, of course. And why? Because the illustrations that come with the product are terrible. But my last task was greatly assisted by the manufacturer’s tech support line answering right away and connecting me to a human. He was pretty patient with the idiot on the line with him!

[ PXL_20240503_021556701_LE12tm :: cell phone ]
You are a one-man DIY expert! LOL! I'd hire you in a skinny minute.
May 17th, 2024  
@marlboromaam I started this one day and finished on another day … almost three months apart, so you'd better not be in a hurry!
May 19th, 2024  
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