She put on her lace collar by shannejw

She put on her lace collar

Third time lucky, an attempt at the tag challenge using @summerfield's reserve tags of coat and lace (because my original tags of morning and dandelion weren't possible when I did this as the dandelions weren't out then). The coat is navy as Saturday is indigo in my version of the Rainbow Challenge and is my daughter's Monsoon coat with some lace from the stash for dress-making (originally bought with cushion covers in mind). The title quotation comes from Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf and makes another Six Word Story (I so should check I get the coding right when I put this up, because the system cuts off anything after a code stuff up).

Three good things:
1. I have a pair of navy trousers with pink stars (the fabric in the sewing machine a few weeks ago), now cropped and fastening with big pink buttons, because they have had to be altered to fit on me as I made them, which meant some radical changes. They were going to be a back up shot if this didn't work.
2. Successful gluten-free, dairy-free baking tonight - now have lemon drizzle cake and peanut butter bread;
3. Entertaining wander with my daughter - after buying interfacing we wandered into the recently opened Oxfam book shop: once to see if various books we'd like to get hold of and are out of print have turned up; she found some maps. On arrival home, she was messaged by the friend in Salisbury - yes, please, he'd like those early Ordnance Survey maps: second visit. On the way home she was messaged again by another friend asking for the 1920 Lancaster map, so we returned for the third time.

Thank you for looking and all your amazing comments and faves - you're all amazing. I prefer to spend time looking at your pictures rather than thanking you individually below.
Well done on the tags! This looks very Victorian to me and that's a good thing! Is this one of your sewing masterpieces? It looks hand-tailored to perfection.
March 31st, 2019  
Great shot for your challenge. Such pretty Lace!
March 31st, 2019  
A lovely shot Shanne, love how the lace and buttons are the same tone.
March 31st, 2019  
@olivetreeann @ludwigsdiana it's my daughter's Monsoon coat - they make them this smart in children's sizes and she bought it as a work coat in the sales a few years ago. The lace is from the sewing stash - bought with one idea in mind which has since been shelved..
March 31st, 2019  
@summerfield - I have produced a tag challenge entry, as promised
March 31st, 2019  
March 31st, 2019  
Lovely capture. The lace looks quite beautiful. Loved your story, too.
March 31st, 2019  
I like the storytelling, a story that I have to make up myself and use my imagination.
March 31st, 2019  
So much in one they say a picture is worth a thousand words. The coat shows off the lace beautifully.
March 31st, 2019  
Great photo! You had a very busy day here :)
March 31st, 2019  
Your versatility amazes me!
March 31st, 2019  
We are get-pushed partners next week. How about trying a shot from a low angle. Here are some tips:
April 1st, 2019  
thank you, shanne, for your tag challenge entry. i have wondered myself how i'd have pulled off coat and lace then i discovered i have a lace pelerine in my wardrobe.
April 1st, 2019  
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