• July 2024

2nd Jul 2024 - Moody skies at Alnmouth
4th Jul 2024 - Out with the walking group again
5th Jul 2024 - Bee on a thistle
6th Jul 2024 - On Dunston Staiths
11th Jul 2024 - Cateran Hole
12th Jul 2024 - Hungry gulls!
13th Jul 2024 - Being watched in Wetherspoons
15th Jul 2024 - The blossom's gone
17th Jul 2024 - Old tractor at Newbiggin
18th Jul 2024 - Any treats for me?
20th Jul 2024 - View from the top of Newcastle Castle
23rd Jul 2024 - Alnwick Lion Bridge
24th Jul 2024 - Those roses won't prune themselves!
25th Jul 2024 - Out with the walking group
28th Jul 2024 - Cragside carriage drives
29th Jul 2024 - Bamburgh Castle
31st Jul 2024 - Where did these come from?