Bad Day? by hbdaly

Bad Day?

Hectic day with too many things to do, too many passing rain showers, too many bad results and too much tension in my neck... Then on the way home from errands, a car coming in the other direction swerved over the center line and was headed right for me. Then just as suddenly, it swerved away, but over corrected and went rocketing off the road to the right. It was in an empty parking lot so I assumed it would just come to a stop and regroup - but no! It seemed to actually speed up as it circled the parking lot, eventually crashing right through a garage door in the middle of this building. It was possibly the most surreal thing I have ever seen. The car literally disappeared! I ran over, fearing the worst but miraculously enough, the people in the car were absolutely fine. It was like something out of a Hollywood farce. If I had seen it on the screen I would have cried "Impossible!" The garage door was still mostly intact even. If the car had hit any other part of that building, this would have had a much worse outcome - probably the worst...

I tried to get a better picture of the door, but the owner of the building - in the black Jeep - screamed up just as I was trying to get a shot. I think it is safe to say that no matter how bad a day I thought I was having, all the people in this picture's day is much, much worse! Feeling thankful...
glad you are okay, as i read the story i was expecting something else.
June 1st, 2014  
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