• June 2019

1st Jun 2019 - Gladiolas in the summer
4th Jun 2019 - Set in Stone!
5th Jun 2019 - Raindrops on maple leaves......
6th Jun 2019 - Gardenia bushes smell so good
7th Jun 2019 - Knee-high Dandelions
9th Jun 2019 - My special strawberry shortcake
13th Jun 2019 - Field textures
14th Jun 2019 - Three in One
16th Jun 2019 - Summer crafts
19th Jun 2019 - My new mailbox cover.
20th Jun 2019 - Raindrop magnifier
21st Jun 2019 - Too bright to hide
25th Jun 2019 - Trail is a little wet
26th Jun 2019 - Camera rose pattern
27th Jun 2019 - God's playground