• June 2015

1st Jun 2015 - Two Raccoons
2nd Jun 2015 - Once Upon a Time
3rd Jun 2015 - May I Join You?
4th Jun 2015 - Blues Pass
5th Jun 2015 - All in a Half Hour Walk
6th Jun 2015 - The Cardinal on the Water Pump
7th Jun 2015 - Velvet Antlers
8th Jun 2015 - Wet Kansas Morning
10th Jun 2015 - Kansas Farm Scene
11th Jun 2015 - Leader of the Flock
12th Jun 2015 - Kansas Wheat Fields
13th Jun 2015 - Heaven, Earth, and Water
14th Jun 2015 - The End of Missile Base Road
15th Jun 2015 - Double Rainbow and My House as Shadow
16th Jun 2015 - Bird House
17th Jun 2015 - Stunt Bird
18th Jun 2015 - Daylilies
19th Jun 2015 - Kansas Sunset as Rain Passes
20th Jun 2015 - Stake Your Claim
24th Jun 2015 - Sweetness
25th Jun 2015 - Brown and White
26th Jun 2015 - Flitting Away For Awhile