• September 2024

1st Sep 2024 - Munich
2nd Sep 2024 - Playing chess
3rd Sep 2024 - Are you hungry?
4th Sep 2024 - Salzburg from the castle
5th Sep 2024 - Salzburg Castle
6th Sep 2024 - Landshut, Germany
7th Sep 2024 - Congratulating the bride and groom
8th Sep 2024 - Landshut main square
9th Sep 2024 - Getting ready
10th Sep 2024 - Surfing in Munich
11th Sep 2024 - Munich, English Garden
12th Sep 2024 - Church of the Holy Spirit, Munich
13th Sep 2024 - Repairing the traffic lights
14th Sep 2024 - Town Hall
15th Sep 2024 - Piano
16th Sep 2024 - White and blue
17th Sep 2024 - Smile!
18th Sep 2024 - Opera house