• June 2024

1st Jun 2024 - Re-learning Python
2nd Jun 2024 - Bd pancakes
3rd Jun 2024 - New radio
4th Jun 2024 - Being productive at work
5th Jun 2024 - 🐍🐍🐍
6th Jun 2024 - Reunion
7th Jun 2024 - Waiting for my exam with Kuso resting in the background
8th Jun 2024 - Kus lately likes to lie on me every time I lie on the bed
9th Jun 2024 - Nice breakfast + Erik
10th Jun 2024 - Healthy vs. not so healthy basil
11th Jun 2024 - Morning ritual at work: preparing my instant coffee
12th Jun 2024 - Sporty socks
13th Jun 2024 - Pet me woman
14th Jun 2024 - Exam #20
15th Jun 2024 - No more lectures
16th Jun 2024 - Svetlobna gverila
17th Jun 2024 - Random trip
18th Jun 2024 - Copatki
19th Jun 2024 - Saving my babies
20th Jun 2024 - Busy day
21st Jun 2024 - Our friday ritual before work
22nd Jun 2024 - Someone gave up
23rd Jun 2024 - Kare pan
24th Jun 2024 - Cat attack
25th Jun 2024 - A 3-hour stop at Rijeka on our way to the seaside
26th Jun 2024 - I was petting the cat from our neighbors and apparently she wants some more
27th Jun 2024 - Exit
28th Jun 2024 - New diving mask
29th Jun 2024 - Reuniting with this little baby
30th Jun 2024 - No more locker