• August 2023

13th Aug 2023 - Irishfest 2023 day 3
14th Aug 2023 - IMG_1976 she shed window box
15th Aug 2023 - IMG_1986 blackberry iris
16th Aug 2023 - IMG_2008 love my cone flowers and daisy
17th Aug 2023 - IMG_2033 fuchsia
18th Aug 2023 - IMG_2120 delphinium
19th Aug 2023 - IMG_2110 morning bouquet
20th Aug 2023 - IMG_2096 dreamy
21st Aug 2023 - IMG_2086 safe place
22nd Aug 2023 - IMG_2067 dad’s home
23rd Aug 2023 - First “pup cup”
24th Aug 2023 - IMG_2200 harvesting seeds
25th Aug 2023 - IMG_2221 poser
26th Aug 2023 - IMG_2223 wonna be butterfly
27th Aug 2023 - A lesson I need to learn
28th Aug 2023 - IMG_2203
30th Aug 2023 - IMG_2292 Viking cruise ship in town
31st Aug 2023 - IMG_2303 WW2 ship