• June 2024

1st Jun 2024 - A Couple of the Baby Barred Owls!
2nd Jun 2024 - Baby Barred Owl, Through the Leaves!
3rd Jun 2024 - Squirrel on the Log!
4th Jun 2024 - Found the Barred Owl Just Before Sunset!
5th Jun 2024 - Was Afraid that the Great Horned Owl Had Moved On!
6th Jun 2024 - Monarch Butterfly!
7th Jun 2024 - Blue Bird!
8th Jun 2024 - The Babies Just Saw Mom Fly By!
9th Jun 2024 - Great Horned Owl Mom!
10th Jun 2024 - Great Horned Owl Baby!
11th Jun 2024 - Adult Barred Owl!
12th Jun 2024 - This Is What the Yellow Crowned Night Heron is Supposed to Lookd Like!
13th Jun 2024 - The Fuzzy Head and It's Sibling Were Making a Lot of Noise!
14th Jun 2024 - The Great Horned Owl Teenager!
15th Jun 2024 - The Babies Are Still on the Nest!
16th Jun 2024 - Great Horned Owl Out in the Open!
21st Jun 2024 - The Last Osprey Baby Practicing Getting Up into the Wind!
22nd Jun 2024 - The Juvenile Osprey, Still Hasn't Flown!
23rd Jun 2024 - Adult Osprey at One of My Other Locations!
24th Jun 2024 - And on the Usual Sunset Side of the Pier!
25th Jun 2024 - Little Blue Heron With a Snack!
26th Jun 2024 - I Can Stare at You Longer Than You Can Stare at Me!
27th Jun 2024 - One of the Lilly's, I think!
28th Jun 2024 - Great Horned Owl Juvenile/baby!
29th Jun 2024 - Osprey Keeping a Close Eye on Me!
30th Jun 2024 - Barred Owl Baby!