• August 2024

1st Aug 2024 - Thetford Forest clearing - work volunteer day
3rd Aug 2024 - Painting the deck
4th Aug 2024 - Whole weekend of painting
5th Aug 2024 - Field walk
6th Aug 2024 - Rainy village walk
8th Aug 2024 - Tube
9th Aug 2024 - First cycle in over 2 years!!
10th Aug 2024 - Dad
11th Aug 2024 - Cycling past tractor cutting grass
12th Aug 2024 - In the garden
13th Aug 2024 - Looking for shooting stars: 4:20am
14th Aug 2024 - Train
15th Aug 2024 - Harvesting
16th Aug 2024 - Friday treat
17th Aug 2024 - Falafel
18th Aug 2024 - Wonderful fire
19th Aug 2024 - Ripening berries
20th Aug 2024 - Summer
21st Aug 2024 - Cycling to work
22nd Aug 2024 - Market tomatoes
23rd Aug 2024 - Berries for birds
24th Aug 2024 - Mushroom lasagna