Please Meet Kathy by 365projectorgheatherb

Please Meet Kathy

This is Kathy, a neighbour in our building. I have posted several pictures from Kathy's laneway garden, most recently of her lovely cosmos. I ran into Kathy today as we were both out walking. I explained about 365 and asked her for a photo. She was a sport and agreed (she really doesn't like having her picture taken). Here she is posing by one of the campus gardens, where we were at the time. (I have included a shot of her cosmos above). I love the fact that Kathy has taken a scrubby patch of land and created a lovely little garden for all to enjoy. And quite amazingly (she wanted me to tell you this), Kathy has only 10 per cent vision! This makes me pause and appreciate her garden all the more.
What a lovely lady and a great capture - She obviously is making the most of her vision to capture the beauty of nature and to plant flowers for all to view and enjoy!
August 25th, 2023  
How lovely and a nice image of her too
August 25th, 2023  
A lovely capture of Kathy and I love what she has done for everyone passing by spreading her love of flowers for others to enjoy.
August 25th, 2023  
She has done a lovely job on her garden, and made her little corner of the world more beautiful for everyone.
August 25th, 2023  
wonderful photo and story
August 25th, 2023  
This is so amazing, fabulous shots and what a great story! when you see her again, tell her how much we appreciate her lovely flowers.
August 25th, 2023  
What a wonderful lady and story. Thank you for sharing Heather
August 25th, 2023  
Kathy is a wonderful brave woman and great story.
August 25th, 2023  
A lovely capture of Kathy, and a wonderful story
August 25th, 2023  
Nice story, I love cosmos
August 25th, 2023  
Great portrait
August 25th, 2023  
Great capture of this handsome looking lady .
August 25th, 2023  
A wonderful lady and a heartwarming story. Thank you Kathy for allowing us to enjoy your laneway garden. Fav.
August 29th, 2023  
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