An older photo have really busy of late  and struggling to keep up with photos  by Dawn

An older photo have really busy of late and struggling to keep up with photos

Tis the season for business
December 28th, 2023  
This one is really pretty and the composition is amazing Dawn FAV. don't worry about getting behind either It happens to all of us
December 28th, 2023  
A beautiful scene.
I'm also struggling to find time for photography :-)
December 28th, 2023  
A beautiful beach capture! Please don't worry, Dawn. I think the key is simply to do what we can, when we can. Fav
December 28th, 2023  
I like how the tire tracks lead my eyes through the scene.I like the contrast of the warm tones on the left and cool tones on the right.
December 28th, 2023  
Lovely scene.
December 28th, 2023  
I like the compositional effect of the car tracks, although I hate cars driving on the sand!

I, also, am only just keeping up with posting let alone taking photos. I am using some older ones, as well. Just too much going on at this time of the year! Nevertheless, I love this site and don't want it to become a chore so I try to remain philosophical about it.
December 28th, 2023  
December 28th, 2023  
Fabulous capture of this beautiful scenery, love the textures and patterns in the sand.

I am getting up at 5.30 am to get my posts out and have some time to comment . My days are much too short atm ;-)
December 28th, 2023  
@365projectorgchristine @grammyn @corinnec @365projectorgheatherb @illinilass @ankers70 @illinilass @ludwigsdiana
Thanking you all for your kind comments and favs all so much appreciated also more so is your support regarding time constraints 😍
December 28th, 2023  
Lovely. I know what you mean.
December 28th, 2023  
December 28th, 2023  
Beautiful shot!
December 28th, 2023  
Lovely beach scene.
December 28th, 2023  
Looks like a nice place for a walk
December 28th, 2023  
Looks great. I don't know what I'm going to do for photos in January.
December 28th, 2023  
A lovely beach scene!

December 28th, 2023  
I think we all struggle at this time of year. So many other ties on our time.
December 28th, 2023  
Wonderful seascape
December 28th, 2023  
@briaan @joansmor @marlboromaam @wakelys @pej76 @mittens @fishers @ollyfran @dkellogg
Thanking you all for kind comments and favs all so much appreciated
December 28th, 2023  
It’s really beautiful
December 28th, 2023  
I like the inclusion of the Christmas-like trees. A lovely composition
December 28th, 2023  
Great composition and light.
December 28th, 2023  
@pandorasecho Thanking you Dixie
December 28th, 2023  
@busylady Thanking you Judith the trees are Norfolk pines

@haskar Thanking you Haskar also for fav
December 28th, 2023  
I love thé colour of the sea, and the feeling of emptiness - striking trees.
Pace yourself - go with the flow - enjoy what you can do. Life is extra busy at Christmas/ New year. Breath…
December 28th, 2023  
Beautiful view!
December 28th, 2023  
Older but still just as lovely. I let 3 weeks of 365 slide and am just catching up, so I know how that feels to struggle to keep up. Just go at whatever pace is good for you.
December 29th, 2023  
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