Here, Not the News You've Heard about LA by Weezilou

Here, Not the News You've Heard about LA

In Orange County, we're about 40 miles/60 km south of LA where I've been told by some here on 365 they've heard of some water damage. I don't watch the news except on a need-to-know basis, so this is the weather report I know...

Not too scary!

(Lots better on black!)
Fabulous POV, colours and composition. I love the rain drop circles! FAV. I read a thing on FB the other day saying now was the time to go to Disneyland. All the locals are staying away because of the rain and the place is dead!
January 8th, 2016  
I like the rain drops.
January 8th, 2016  
I can feel those rain drops from the way you've captured them!
January 8th, 2016  
@kwind My daughter Ashley & the family are going to be there in 2 weeks; I don't think they've given a thought to the rain possibility. Years ago we were at Disneyworld in Fla and there was a torrential downpour! No one seemed fazed, but I commented that in CA there's no way we;d be there! We're not all that used to rain here in SoCa!
January 8th, 2016  
@danette @jyokota @kwind Thank you all... This was so gentle, and the sky was so blue, I was determined to capture the incongruity!
January 8th, 2016  
Mostly beautiful with lots of ripples and beautiful color! My kind of photo!! FAV!
January 8th, 2016  
Beautiful Picture! So peaceful with the reflections and the drops of rain.
January 8th, 2016  
Love your SOH Louise! Great picture and caption.
January 8th, 2016  
@golftragic :) Thanks m'friend!
January 8th, 2016  
@Weezilou Any time, mate.
January 8th, 2016  
Love the drops of rain in the pool!
January 8th, 2016  
Beautiful capture of the droplets! It must be nice to have rain for a change. I bet the plants and wild animals like it too!
January 8th, 2016  
@pamknowler It was the doves on the phone wires above that fascinated me... As the rain poured yesterday, they'd stretch a wing out to catch a shower, it would seem!
January 8th, 2016  
This is beautiful. I love those gentle raindrops and the vibrant colours.
January 8th, 2016  
absolutely gorgeous colors.
January 8th, 2016  
big fav for me. I love the colours and the raindrop circles and the green leaves. Everything about it actually :)
January 8th, 2016  
Very pretty! I love how you've captured the raindrops. Lovely composition!
January 8th, 2016  
Beautiful blues and green, my favorite colors.
January 8th, 2016  
Absolutely beautiful! Love the raindrop ripples. Your weather doesn't look frightening at all. ☺
January 8th, 2016  
LOve the water droplets... Beautiful
January 8th, 2016  
Lovely raindrop ripples and the bright green foliage. Glad to hear you have safely arrived.
January 9th, 2016  
That's awesome Louise. Congrats on TP/PP!
January 9th, 2016  
January 18th, 2016  
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