Looking Skyward for New Inspiration! by Weezilou

Looking Skyward for New Inspiration!

I'd read about this coming sky phenomenon a few days ago, but didn't even consider that I might see it. It was when I took a dessert to a neighbor living alone, I looked up and WOW! It was fun to stand 6' away from her and to tell her what she was seeing...Bright Venus and a very new moon...even a speck of Uranus at about 5:30 below the moon...

She probably thinks I'm very smart...haha! (I just have more time to read articles now!) But I still can't take a night photo worth a nickle!

(Setting suggestions welcome as it's going to happen again tomorrow. 1...I probably should be sure the time & date are correct since I haven't checked since the time change. 2...Who do I contact regarding a temporary black out...not too long, of course...we all have a food stash in our freezers now! 3...Do I go for a larger ISO and leave the lens open for less time?

Help!? ♥
I don't think you could improve on this shot! Including the huge sky as well as the street! And ....aren't you supposed to be more than 6 inches away from people? We have to have 2 metres! fav
March 27th, 2020  
@maggiemae Oh,Maggiemae, -6'- is the distance of a tall man laying on the ground between us (a disturbing thought at best!) Six inches is written -6"-, but no worries...offhand, I have no concept of what 2 meters looks like! Thanks for an ok to the picture...I looked at others on a site and all contained some foreground for reference, but ours isn't all that exciting...
March 27th, 2020  
Beautiful shot of Venus and the moon Louise! I'll have to look for it tomorrow night.
March 27th, 2020  
How wonderful, right place and time. Love the lightbursts too.
March 27th, 2020  
@Weezilou You are right 6' is 6 feet. 2 metres however is 6.56feet -which is just what you have!
March 27th, 2020  
I love it and so good to be looking out at the great beyond at this time.
March 27th, 2020  
@Weezilou Lovely image and you do better at night photography than I do! So no advice coming from here. Smiling at the chat between you and Maggiemae - in the UK we mix and match, so I am as comfortable in metres as I am in ' or " ! :-) Stay safe and stay sane during this crazy period of time.
March 27th, 2020  
how neat!
March 27th, 2020  
Wonderful capture Louise! I can’t help with settings I’m afraid as my night shots of the moon are always hit and miss! I have noticed how bright Venus is - I even called Barb into the garden to see it. No moon though - not sure what time it rises - better check! The night sky here is fabulous as there is no light pollution! The stars look amazing. Unfortunately it’s very cold at night and a quick trip into the garden with the boys is all I am tempted to do. As we are here for so long I am hoping for some warmer nights!
March 27th, 2020  
@jgpittenger @taffy You guys take amazing astro photos. Any tips for Louise?

This is great fun indeedy. I am impressed at your newly acquired astronomy knowledge!
March 27th, 2020  
@Weezilou I love the picture! I told my kids that we’re supposed to be 6 feet- or the length of a standard dog leash- away from everyone- if you want a less disturbing visual for it.
March 27th, 2020  
2 metres is what we go for in here. at the bank the other day, they only let in 3 people to wait, 2 at the counter. on the floor, they put duct tapes in X 2 metres apart and that's where you wait. a man was let in after me. he passed his X mark and stood right behind me. me in my mask and latex gloves told him to stand on 'that X' and he said i will stand where i want to stand. i tried to explain what the Xs meant but he became belligerent. bank manager and security came, told him to leave. he said he will sue the bank. good luck with that. i should've told him if he wanted results he should hire my firm.

@mikegifford would know the proper settings for a shot like this. mike?

but, as for me, aces! on this shot. take care, my lady.

March 27th, 2020  
Wonderful night capture
March 27th, 2020  
@maggiemae Your conversation with Louise made me smile. Especially the part about staying 6" away from other people. It's ok. I don't know the metric system either.
March 27th, 2020  
Nice capture Louise! Have you ever noticed how people in Australia and Africa can get a better closeup of moon details? It just amazes me. So either I need to get my hands on a 4800mm lens or just fugetabout getting a decent lunar shot.
March 27th, 2020  
I wish I was able to take a decent night shot. I like this a lot, Louise. How are you doing?
March 27th, 2020  
@domenicododaro What lovely little conversations there were here with everyone! We're feeling well; Ken just back from a neighborhood walk. I spent the time in the backyard communing with crows ; ) It's easy to be patient when we know how much more tightly restricted you are in Italy. I think daily of your parents. Sending love and good thoughts; did you get my long email?
March 27th, 2020  
@maggiemae Seems everyone thought our conversation was humorous! Such fun to share the varieties of a common language!
@redy4et Do go out and capture it! You're in a far prettier location and with your skills will bring us something wonderful! I cheer you on!
@ludwigsdiana Ahhh...lemons into Lemonade! I was cursing all the neighbourhood lighting, but in my ability to look close-up at this picture, Venus has a beautiful light burst!

@ethelperry How Happy I am to see you here, Ethel! Our paths haven't crossed for awhile! I only just came back inside 2:45 PM after enjoying the sunshine and a final cup of coffee for the day. It's lovely to sit still without guilt!
March 27th, 2020  
Beautiful capture!
March 27th, 2020  
@jamibann What fun this page has been to connect and share some laughs at life's variations we encounter!
@koalagardens I'll be curious if this is a sight you'll have down south!
@pamknowler There are coats for occasions like this! It was cool and breezy outside last night here also. But even if you never took a photo, what a glorious view...an hour after the sun sets!
@casablanca heehee...you'll easily impressed! The magazine article was a bit shy of a college course!
@blackmutts So good to see you again! Thanks for the dog-leash image!! A greatly-improved sight!
@summerfield Thanks Vicki! I can't believe anyone is getting belligerent at a time like this when we're all supposed to be banding together! "OFF with his head!"
@seattlite Thanks, Gloria...I'm tryin'... and nice I can work on that again tonight!
@joysfocus Your dry wit will forever have me laughing! How about we meet at Griffith Park and take pictures through the giant telescope?! Oh yah...we can't leave the house! The problem with a longer lens is that you couldn't encompass both the moon AND Venus...which was sort of the point... ...back to the drawing board!
@mariaostrowski So nice to see old friends here today! You must be enjoying time at home with your wonderful family!
March 27th, 2020  
@joysfocus - ann lefevre @olivetreeann takes really great moonshots using a bridge camera. like this one: https://365project.org/olivetreeann/365/2017-02-06 if i have to get a shot like this with my powershot camera i need to set it on a tripod. she takes hers mostly handheld.

@Weezilou - i used to be able to take photos of the moon with my dslr but since it is easier to use the bridge camera, that's what i use. but the moon's been absent from here for quite a while, the only time i get to see them is when i wake up at 3 in the morning and i see it from my bed, and there's no way i am going to go and get the camera just to take a photo.
March 28th, 2020  
I saw Venus recently, but not like this! You wonderful to see it.
March 28th, 2020  
@Weezilou it was minus 2 last night with a heavy frost! I have all the proper gear for going out in those temperatures but sadly it’s all at home and not here in Devon with me! There wasn’t enough room in the car for the kitchen sink I’m afraid! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
March 28th, 2020  
@summerfield Thanks for the nod Vikki! Yes, recently I've been too lazy to lug out the tripod and set everything up so I've been shooting at 400 on AV but my best moon shots were always at 200 on the tripod.

This shot looks fine Louise- 400 ISO might give you some richer color, but you would definitely need a tripod. A longer exposure may darken the sky but it will also produce a little streak from the movement of our planet. So, I think I'd stick with the settings you have here. The picture looks good!
March 28th, 2020  
@olivetreeann Thanks so much, Ann! I tried again last night with a shorter exposure (tripod both times) and one turned out pretty well. Some summer, back in Canada with minimal ambient light, perhaps I can get more practice! Until then, I'll keep photographing my "yard full of assorted animals!"
March 29th, 2020  
@Weezilou nice to maybe have some free time for a bit again- but the kids schools are really ramping up the remote learning, and I fear it’s going to be as much of a commitment for the adults as it’s supposed to be for the kids! I tried to get a night shot of the beautiful crescent moon we had here a few days ago, and the results weren’t even worth posting. So I “extra appreciate” this shot now!
March 29th, 2020  
Great night scene and capture.
March 30th, 2020  
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