Magi and I met as convention delegates back in 1979 , and with the others in our group, remained friends through the years. Until covid hit, we met for luncheons annually with surprisingly few passing away until recent years. One of our group lived to be 105! I was close-to-the youngest in the group at the time, and have been the delegated photographer through the years, making each of the ladies several memory books.
Magi's birthday was today and her daughter arranged a lovely luncheon gathering with family coming from from around the country. I met some accomplished and fascinating relatives and hope some of us might remain in touch! One other, a 3rd cousin, took many photos also, and we parted with plans to pool our pictures and make a memory book for Magi. It was such a good time...we'll likely make one for ourselves as well!
@danette Will be writing to you about the gathering! Her s-i-l used to ride in the rodeo, then was a wrangler on movie/tv sets and an extra when needed!
@maggiemae Good one, Maggiemae! "My" Magi (pronounced "Maggie" also) is still sharp and fun to be around. Used to be a wonderful painter, but says she no longer has the depth perception to do it.
@jamibann Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Issi. I look at her and was thinking much the same! Her 97 y-o friend who was also in attendance was a gorgeous, well-dressed lady who, sitting between Ken and me was also a lively conversationalist! Here's to good health and working to keep it that way (as you and hubby do!)
@pyrrhula Thank you, Ferry! She'll be delighted to hear that! I know you well enough that you would have enjoyed all the conversations with her fascinating relatives!