Air Fryer Review by allie912

Air Fryer Review

I bought a roasting chicken to see what the air fryer could do that a regular oven can not. I seasoned the chicken, perched her on a little support like a beer can chicken and she spun around for an hour. The resulting meat was very juicy and flavorful. I haven’t had a drumstick since I was a kid because normally I buy chicken thighs or breasts. Would I prepare this again? Possibly, although there is an awful lot of waste and I really shouldn’t eat the wonderful crispy skin.
I have reached some conclusions about the air fryer. Unless you have an enormous kitchen with lots of counter space, you are going to have to find a place to store it and then hoist it onto the counter when using it. It is rather heavy but of course it does not have the capacity of a regular oven. I can see this being useful in a dorm or studio apartment but frankly anything I want to cook that an air fryer offers I already do in my oven. And I never deep fry anything so that’s not a factor, and here’s the kicker. Our condo association pays for the natural gas we use for cooking, but when I run the air fryer for an hour I am paying extra for that. Something to think about.
The air fryer was provided by the Amazon Vine program in exchange for an honest review. That’s what you got.
The chicken sure looks delicious but I think the cons outweigh the pros for that air fryer
July 22nd, 2020  
interesting. I think I'll just bake my chicken breasts. Doesn't sound like an air fryer is worth it. Good report about it.
July 22nd, 2020  
But that chicken does look tasty -- for those who eat meat, that is. I have a very small air fryer that I leave on the counter all the time. Dash is the brand. Easy to use and very fast cooking. Taffy gave me a bigger one for my birthday and that one is for when I have people at my house and I'm not eating alone.
July 22nd, 2020  
Great picture. The chicken looks so good! Great review too.
I totally agree with you about the air fryer taking up too much counter space, having to find a place to store it and then dragging it out to use it. We've had one for over a year and I couldn't stand it sitting on the counter, so hubby got it out of my sight but put it on a shelf way over my head! We recently moved it to a lower shelf where it's easy to move to the counter, and are just now learning to use it. I do like how chicken and turkey come out crispy on the outside and moist on the inside.
July 22nd, 2020  
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