The Best Kind of Economy by allie912

The Best Kind of Economy

Last week I splurged and got a container of cut up watermelon. The price was $5 but I had a special and got it for $3.99. It was so good I had watermelon dreams all week.
This week there was a sale on these wonderful summer melons, and I got an entire watermelon, weighing more than a bowling bowl, for the fabulous price of $5. Of course there was no way I could eat or refrigerate an entire melon. But wait! Here is the beauty of the whole transaction. I was able to share the sweet juicy melon with 3 neighbors. What a treat! What a deal!
I'm not a huge fan of watermelon, but Jeff loves it. So while the granddaughters were here, I splurged on an entire melon for them to eat while visiting. And today- one half of the melon went home with the girls and the rest stayed with Jeff! Yummyl
July 4th, 2024  
This looks delicious! Sometimes when I buy watermelon already cut up, it isn't very fresh. I want to be your neighbor!
July 4th, 2024  
@eudora You never know til you cut a melon open whether it’s a hit or a dud. Fortunately this one was perfect. With 3 neighbors counting on me, was I relieved!
July 4th, 2024  
Lucky neighbors.
July 4th, 2024  
Very nice. I love watermelon especially with a sprinkle of salt on it
July 4th, 2024  
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