When I was uploading today's photos, I discovered I had somehow snapped a picture in my office without realizing it. Rather than delete the unintentional picture, I 'm inviting you to step in and look at a few things. Going clockwise you see:
1. A reproduction of an old map of my childhood town Redding, Connecticut, circa 1847. My home is shown on Cross Highway.
2. A favorite quote of mine that seems to be relevant no matter what the circumstance.
3. Another favorite quote comes to mind, "A messy desk is the mark of genius."
4. An original comic strip from award-winning cartoonist Walt Kelly, sent to me in response to a fan letter I wrote to him when I was 12 years old.
5. A poster brought home from the Brother Grimm Museum in Kassel, Germany.
That will be all for today's tour. Please drop in any time.
I need to do more 'accidental" photos. They are fun. I don't think anyone would wanted to see my messy desk that it took me most of the day to clean on Tuesday though. LOL. I like all your keepsakes.