Route by anothab


Got up at 10ish and both had showers after the busy late night 🚿😂 like a mong I stayed up later after Lysh went bed to have a little "me time" for the day, which meant I went sleep at 03:15 and my Fitbit says I've had less than 6hrs kip 🥴 we've spent all afternoon finishing this cutout, seriously. It's taken 10 cardboard boxes, 16x printed A4 pages, 4x A3 paper, 3 rolls of selotape, a roll of double-sided tape, a fuckload of PVA glue, pritt stick, a scalpel, a plastic rod, two coat hangers, and infinite patience and graft! But at least the final product has turned out pretty decent and kiddo is happy with it! Thank fuck! 😮‍💨🫡

Lysh went home, and I walked down Burslem Park in the rain get some steps in and play some PoGo 🤳🏼🚶🏼 I am so fricking pissed about these Route's failing because of issues with O2's mobile data on this Pixel 7... fuck the streak, I'm over it 🤬 then thought fuck it and did a Just Run 10k training session... now eating some stewed steak & chips watching TV 🍟📺
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