Ennui by anothab


Lysh has sat and eaten 8x ice pops in the last 45-mins, all whilst begging me to put the heating on, or blast her with the hair dryer because she's "freezing". So now we've got the heating on in the middle of June, she's under 3x blankets, in an oodie over her PJ's, with fluffy Ugg slippers on too. Christ! 🥵🥶

Caught a break with the weather and managed to bus it up Hanley between storms ⛈️☔ popped Poundland and overstocked on munchies and drinks, then headed round to Cineworld arriving just as the heavens opened 🙏🏼 enjoyed watching Inside Out 2 in 3D with Bug 🎥🍿 got choked up a couple of times, realising that these new emotions are what kiddo will be experiencing with puberty, the anxiety and ennui especially! 😅 we were originally intending to go Maccies for tea, but Lysh was stodged from the munch so we just headed back home & grabbed pizza from the offy instead 🍕 been monging on the sofa together for the last couple hours laughing at panda fail videos and now she's fallen asleep beside me at not even 10pm! 🤯😴 gonna go take her up and get her tucked up in bed, then find something watch for an hour or two before I go bed myself - love this kid the most! Being her Dad is the best thing that ever happened to me, #1 Core Memory! 🔮🥰
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