Abroad by anothab


Been a fairly muted affair today 😴 Back to bulk buying Piri-Piri Chicken Pot Noodles πŸ˜‚πŸœ Got my Euros sorted on lunch before hurrying back for a Teams meeting πŸ’ΆπŸ’» spent all afternoon fuck arsing around with compliance audit shite at work πŸ™„

Intended to complete a Just Run 10K tonight when I got home but really didn't feel up to it as I had a tightness in my right side... maybe due to not eating properly yesterday and surviving on just toast and soup? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜¬ Regardless, I spent the night lazying around and fucking about on the PC sorting out photos on my Pixel whilst I binged Idiot Abroad S3 via CityBoys on YouTube πŸ“ΊπŸŠπŸ‡ smashed in a full pasta bake too 🀀🍝

Tried pop round to see Pete for half hour but he was down Stoke visiting his Mum so just had a little natter on the phone instead 🀳🏼 then spent the remainder of the night on PoGo and watching Dawsons Creek πŸ˜‚
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