Shock by anothab


Currently listening to 'Ultra-Processed People' on Audible whilst commuting and it's actually a very juxtaposed balance of awe and horror. What I've gathered so far is that basically scientists discovered a way to modify cheap ingredients to imitate expensive ingredients, and that is what most "food" is today. These Ultra-Processed Foods are designed to be hyperpalatable and affordable, but at the same time, much more profitable for manufacturers. The ingredients and processes used to create UPF's have been linked to poor cardiometabolic and mental health, and reduced life expectancy. Trans fat (that occurs during the hydrogenation of vegetable oil) has a proven link to coronary artery disease and is being banned globally. Another interesting one was 'RBD Palm Oil'; the RBD stands for 'Refined, Bleached, and Deodorised'. In it's natural state, palm oil is red/orange in colour with a spicy aroma; the RBD process strips out the natural colours, aroma and flavour to leave a bland, versatile product. As a result, RBD Palm Oil is "the most traded vegetable oil in the world today".

Found out today that Dawn has a suspected pituary gland brain tumour, alongside possible encephalitis and perhaps a further tumour... 😖😟 Get well soon!

I'm just going to assume that was an unintentional pocket dial as to not further embarrass myself 🙃

Heading down Bulls Head to join TJ & Jodie for the Euro Semi Final. Not convinced it's coming home whatsoever after our abysmal performances thus far in the competition but happy to be proven wrong! ⚽🍻

Fair fucking play! Happy to eat my words! We outclassed them and to have a shot cleared off the line, another off the angle, another disallowed... we fucking earned that victory! Really enjoyed watching the game with Mike, Lauren, TJ, Jodie & her parents 🙌🏼 great night, thoroughly enjoyed! 🍻⚽👌🏼
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