Sated by anothab


Bye then Articuno, prick! ✌🤳🏼

Billy the Cowboy, can he fix it? Billy the Cowboy, no he can't... 🎶 asked what time he's coming later to check out this roof leak and he replies that he needs take his van in for a service so won't be able come today after all and will need a raincheck... 🥴 Raincheck? I can easily check the rain Billy, it's coming through my fucking roof! 🤠

You won, Facebook. I've removed any photos containing a female nipple. Not that gender is even relevant at such a young age since 4yr old male/female torsos look practically indistinguishable. My Take Daily project now has more gaps than a crackheads teeth, I hope it makes you happy. Dear lord, what a sad little life, Facebook.

Absolutely stellar end of year report for Lysh! 💛 Not a single concern raised whatsoever! Exceeding in many areas, notably Art and English! 😍 Very proud Dad... again! 🥹

[Playing Dredge]
Platinum earned. Trying to find the last aberration got tedious, but using Bait helped immensely. For anyone in a similar position - just go to the Airman in Twisted Strand and trade a haul of fish for Bait, and then sit in the same spot in the necessary biome using them (you don't even have to worry whether it's day/night, all fish spawn for Bait). Agree with another review I saw on here stating the ending was very abrupt; totally agree - you get the heads up that you're about to pass the point of no return, and then it's pretty much instantly over. Great game though, thoroughly enjoyed my time playing it and would highly recommend.
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