Outbound by anothab


Today began with Lysh falling over outside the bathroom practically as soon as she woke up, and laying crying on the floor ðŸĪĶ🏞‍♂ïļ

Staylew gave us a lift to the airport via Maccies 🍟 Lysh ordered a McCrispy then when she came to eat it, announced that she didn't like mayo (despite not saying anything when she'd ordered it) 🙄 Then sat getting all distressed until me and Stace Frankensteined our food together to salvage her a burger that she could eat using 2/3 of my chicken strips and the top bun off Stay's quarterpounder 🍔 guess I'm eating this mayo tainted chicken breast for lunch then? Despite not liking mayo either? Sound... ðŸŦĄðŸ™ƒ

We come through the barriers into security, when Lysh suddenly announces she's lost her keychain off her bag ðŸĪĶ🏞‍♂ïļ she starts getting all upset, so I'm trying to get someone's attention to see if I can go back out of security to check for it... then Lysh finds it. It was inside her tote bag all along... ðŸĪĶ🏞‍♂ïļ It's gonna be a long day!

We get through to the departure lounge and I'm ready for a pint to start getting me into the holiday spirit... 🍚 but Lysh is moaning that she doesn't want to go in the bar - she wants to sit on the curved wooden benches instead... 😑 I cba. Whatever kid. Let's just sit here on a hard wooden bench. Thirsty. Sound. Not like we're about to be sat uncomfortably on a plane for 4+ hours... ✈ïļ

We get on the plane. Lysh starts complaining that our seats are in the wrong place; they are not over the wings perfectly for her to get any decent photos... 🙃 also, I'm the bad guy because someone has a peanut allergy on the plane so Lysh can't eat her Flipz 💁🏞‍♂ïļ It's my fault, apparently, for buying her Peanut Butter Flipz. For the record, they're Lysh's favourite... ðŸ˜Ū‍ðŸ’Ļ I should've bought a different flavour.

Minibus transfer from the airport to our resort stopped off at some services and I got truly stitched up and paid ÂĢ8 for a Turkish ice-cream ðŸĨē I paid 350 lira and had zero concept of how much it was equivalent too until afterwards ðŸŦĢðŸĪŠ at least it was some light entertainment for Lysh since it was those meme types who keep stealing it back and that! ðŸĶ

Got to the hotel and checked in. Went to see what food was available for us this late at night. Seemed promising when they had fries and onion rings on - but of course, Lysh hated them - they taste disgusting and she won't eat them. Bahaha, I'm over it! 😂🙃

We've been to the bar and I've had a couple half Tuborg Golds. Then we went to explore the site. Wandered down to the beach and ended up on the next door hotel site for Felicia Village! Got sent away by their security who had to use a translator app to communicate to us as they didn't speak English 😂 got back to our hotel and grabbed a vodka pineapple to take back the room. Lysh wants a shower before bed and it's already like 4am local time! 😂
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