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June 29, 2024 - I am officially making NO promises to myself of "this year I WILL take a picture EVERY day". Experience has shown me that between my ADD and the demands of life, I just can't keep that promise. But I DO promise that when I can fit my photography into my busy days, I will post something.

June 15, 2022 - The COVID-19 shut-down played havoc with my posting photos here. Telework pays the bills, but somehow expanded into the hours that used to be my picture posting time, and so, once again, I have a hard drive full of pictures that no one has seen here.

Today is another day and a new opportunity to take photographs with the camera that I have been yearning after for years. Today I finally received the Canon D5 Mark III that I've wanted to own since my twin sister lent hers to me for an afternoon more than 4 years ago. I can't wait to take pictures of the visitors to my bird feeders with it. :-) (I'll still be using my trusty Canon Rebel T5i, too.)

May 9, 2021 - Starting 365 all over again... Life got in the way of my photography, and the pandemic didn't help, as my workload increased even as I went to full time telework. I totally forgot to renew my ACE membership, and lost all of my albums here/ Thankfully, I did save the photos on 2 backup terabyte drives, but I'm not planning on trying to upload the pictures from past years. Yesterday I picked up my DSLR for the first time in months, and took a picture of my sister's cats at her request, and when I got home, my own cat stared at me with his beautiful green eyes and begged for catnip. The capture of that moment is the first image in this new year of photos.

I've decided that I'm not going to quibble about whether a cellphone is a real camera or not. I'm going to grab my daily shot with whichever camera is at hand. :-)

I'm looking forward to filling my albums with new photos, and I can hardly wait to follow up on the albums of the folks I followed before, and to discover new photographers whose work I'd never seen before.