The squirrel who destroyed 3 bird feeders is beginning to be a lot of fun! She's got braver and braver with us, and tonight when Ed came home from work, she ran after him and went inside the house, by the back door, asking for a treat! Very cheeky and brave/stupid, but we've been giggling a lot over this one's character. This was taken 20 mins later in the garden, less than a meter away from us.
@Weezilou We never did anything to encourage this one, it lives over the road. But its hung around since it ruined the feeders, lol, and I've fixed new squirrel-proof ones. Its just taken a liking to us!
Ha ha what a minx! This morning Dave and I were watching young red squirrels frolic about in a tree - just so cute (just back from a week in the Isle of Wight)
@Cherrill You've got some SQ's now at last? Yay! Just you wait, they'll be running around in no time '-)
I was just thinking about you - off to do some more gardening. I've just got some nicotina (as my seedlings didnt do too well), and some dahlias - gorgeous! Hope you're well x
Great close up.
@Weezilou We never did anything to encourage this one, it lives over the road. But its hung around since it ruined the feeders, lol, and I've fixed new squirrel-proof ones. Its just taken a liking to us!
I was just thinking about you - off to do some more gardening. I've just got some nicotina (as my seedlings didnt do too well), and some dahlias - gorgeous! Hope you're well x